Best Gambling Payouts

Basketbull Slots

After players have a little experience with online gaming, the first question that comes up is, "Which online casinos have the biggest payouts?" Honestly, due to the strict regulation that all the top casinos voluntarily submit to in conjunction with the regulations placed on them by their home countries, most of the casino payouts are pretty similar. Nonetheless, there is some variation, but because these numbers are so close, there is some minor fluctuation from day to day, and they may swap positions.

The great thing about high, steady payouts is not that you are going to finish the game richer than you started every time, because, as every gamer knows, you will not. The high rate of payout keeps you in the game longer, however, raising the odds of you hitting that big Jackpot. The casinos that have high rates of payout are the casinos where you will play the longest with your stake.

Here are two of the top paying casinos and an idea of their numbers.

Liberty Slots Casino - 98.50% return. Start with a potential for $100 in welcome bonuses, a vast selection of slot and table games, constant table and slot tournaments, and add a 98.5% rate of payout, and you must be talking about Liberty Slots Casino! LibertySlots Casino is one of the very hottest of the top casinos that players will find on the Internet, and it is truly fantastic. Liberty Slots Casino slots considered the best for US players. The customer service at Liberty is excellent, the play fast and fun and the security is right up with all the best of the online casinos.

SlotocashCasino - 97.95% return. Sloto Cash is one of our longstanding favorites among the top casinos, and with a 97.95% rate of return, why wouldn't they be? An elegant setting, stellar customer service and top security all contribute toSlotocash's ambiance.

Sloto Cash Casino, however, is not all about a terrific payout. Sloto Cash is a longstanding member of that elite club of Top Casinos offering first class customer service, a fantastic selection of games and a secure environment within which to play. Players may or may not leave as millionaires, but they are guaranteed to be treated like millionaires when they are enjoying themselves at Sloto Cash Casino.

These are two casinos with truly remarkable payouts. Choose one of them and go play tonight! You will be playing all night at these establishments, and you are bound to have huge amounts of fun.