Staying Away From Rogue Online Casinos

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It is very easy to be taken in by all of the flowery words you can read about a casino and also the enticing bonuses that they offer and of course the fantastic selection of games. But the truth is that the reality is often very different from the text that you read the pictures that you see. It is very difficult to know what a rogue casino is or what is not and often you end up being tricked or hurt by a rogue casino when you are an innocent who was taken in by the great marketing.

Check Out the List of Rogue Casinos

Rogue casinos are easily identifiable over time but as a new player you really don’t know if you are playing at a rogue casino or not. There are lists of suspected rogue casinos that you can review and check out if you are not sure about a casino. Some of the ways to define a rogue casino are whether their payments are slow or not, if their license is real, how their customer service is, if they really pay out the bonuses they offer and in some cases if they confiscate large winnings by using remote excuses.

Experience Casino Play at Low Levels

Sometimes the only way to find out if the payments are slow or not are to actually experience them. For this you will have to play at the casino for a little bit and then try and transfer out your winnings. This is another important reason why you should never bet enormous amounts of money to begin with, start slow and work your way up as your confidence builds up in the casino and of course in the games. Licenses can be checked out through independent bodies and of course through the licensing authorities and when you find that a license is pending, don’t play at that casino. You don’t know how long the license has been pending for and you also don’t know why it hasn’t been granted.

Review Comments from Outside Auditors and Bodies

Many online casinos offer the opportunity to review their accounts which are prepared by outside auditors. If you are in any way concerned about the casino you have chosen to play at then you should definitely review the accounts that are presented. At the same time you can also see if large payouts have been made and you can review the timings of these payouts and also the way they were paid. Another important thing to check out when looking out for rogue casinos is of course the customer service. Everyone wants and needs a good solid and reliable customer service when playing at a casino online. Before you even register you can check this out by contacting the customer service and measuring their response times and of course how they actually speak with you and deal with you.

At the end of the day, it is all about luck just as your success in the games is about luck. But having said that you can employ some logical and sensible parameters which will help you find a reliable and trustworthy casino that pays out on a regular basis and in a nice manner.

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