Bodog Beat

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Blogging has never been valuable, all-embracing and fun all at the same time and all in the same site. This remained true until the birth of Bodog Beat in 2004. Another delightful addition to Bodog Entertainment’s wide selection, Beat claims to be a daily mix of sports, poker, casino, horse racing and entertainment news. A bona fide claim indeed!

Bodog Beat Headlines

Straight dope on sport, poker, celebrity and hot girls – this is their tagline. True enough, this section of Beat provides all the latest and biggest news happening in all of sports, casino, Hollywood and of course, Bodog’s very own girls! With a team of reliable journalists trained by magazines and broadsheets, Beat is sure to provide an in-depth review of even the smallest event in tinsel town, all for your consumption! No need to go through each section of the site, Headlines has already chosen the best articles for you.

Bodog Casino

Want more information to help you on where to put your stakes? Try Casino News Online. The site tells you which casino is opening in town, who won what in the slots, who won over whom and more importantly, how they did it. Here, every piece of information you want, as long as it’s about roulettes, blackjack and slots, is at the tip of your fingers!

Bodog Beat Sports

Football, marathon, horse races and all of European sport. It’s all here at Bodog Beat Sports software. Whether it’s happening in another part of the world or was just plain hearsay five minutes ago, Beat’s Sports and Sports Betting News has it. From how and why Chelsea can still win the FA Cup to David Beckham’s emotional state and how this can affect his game, Beat covers it. The UEFA and FA Cups should be grateful as they did very little advertising and exerted little effort in getting the public informed; Beat has done it for them.

Bodog Beat Poker

Worldwide Bodog poker updates from the convenience of your home. Download Bodog Poker software and receive Poker News Online with information on what’s happening in all the Poker Festivals, Tournaments and Opens being held in all of Europe and the world.

Bodog Beat Entertainment

Who the heck is the new guy Britney Spears is dating and why is Paris Hilton going out with that Madden guy? Be in-the-know of what’s in and what’s out in Hollywood as Bodog Beat gives you an exclusive backstage pass to the complicated and exciting world of music and movies and the stars that make Hollywood all the more intriguing and thrilling!

Bodog Beat Girls

Following true Bodog-tradition, Beat gives its masculine followers a taste of Bodog Girls - all sexy, stylish and nearly naked. With the seductive pose comes a write up of who the girls are and what they do other than making you ogle at them.

Bodog Beat is way of keeping its patrons informed and helping them make wise decisions involving their wagers. As an added site feature, Bodog Beat stories are open for discussion and comments to readers.