The Pros and Cons of Online Gaming

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Online gambling has undoubtedly become popular in today's gaming world. From playing in a brick and mortar casino, more and more players have switch into playing in many of the reputable online casinos. Whatever their reasons may be, surely, there are some good and bad issues about it. Listed below are some of the pros and cons of online gaming.

The pros of online gaming:

  • Playing in an online casino means more competitors. As the majority of the online casinos are accepting players from all over the world, this only means that you are competing against players, not only from your place or from country, but against players from all over the world, which is not possible with offline casinos.
  • Another benefit of online gambling is the total comfort it brings. Unlike playing in a brick and mortar casino, one should have to jump into their cars and beat the traffic, just to play their favorite casino games. While in an online casino, all you have to do is to turn on your computer and login to your online casino accounts and… viola! You can already play your favorite online casino games.
  • One of the nice benefits that online gaming brings is the forgiving or less strict rules applied. In addition, online casinos also have better odds as compared to a brick and mortar casino. This can be because online casinos have lesser overhead cost compared to the physical casinos are having.
  • Unlike the physical casinos, online casinos are open 24/7. Meaning players can play anytime they want and feel like playing. They do not need to beat those gambling hours that are normally implemented in the majority of the brick and mortar casinos.
  • When talking about money in funding your casino accounts, playing in an online casino does not require any players to carry huge amount of cash with them unlike those who are playing in any of the brick and mortar casinos. When playing online, all you have to do is to deposit fund using your credit card or bank wire methods and you are off to play.
  • In a brick and mortar casinos, players should have to deal with many of the people around and the annoyances they might bring. One may encounter players who are big smokers, or those sweaty and with unwanted odor. When playing online at the comfort of your own place, every comfort you desire is present, the fresh air, quiet and clean surroundings and more.
  • Are you the type who normally gives a tip to the casino staff? Then playing in an online casino is a big benefit for you. This tipping issue into many of the brick and mortar casino staff will be eliminated.
  • Variety of games in online casinos is a huge plus. It's not that "brick and mortar guys" do not work this hard, it's just costs them more and takes more time. Just as example Lincoln Casino offers more than 150 games, Bovada Casino alone has more than 100 games and the number is still growing.

The cons of online gaming:

If you have read many of the pros side of playing online gaming, there can also be a few cons or the bad side of it.

  • The lengthy payout period can be the most disgusting part when playing in an online casino. Unlike playing in a brick and mortar casino that allows you to carry along with you your winnings as you leave the casinos, it is excessively different in an online casino. You must have to wait for days or even weeks before your withdrawals will appear on your bank accounts or credit card statements.
  • Another unwanted part in playing online gaming is their spotty customer service. Some may offer live customer service that will let you wait for long. Some also provide their e-mail for customer service but took weeks to answer your queries. Worst is, some does not even have phone number to call.
  • Another thing is, if you are playing in different casinos and charge them all in one credit or debit card, sometimes you must be ready enough with the nightmare you will have in your statement. The statement will not state the brand you are playing with, but instead it only states the merchant bank. This scenario will definitely let you have a hard time in reconciling with your bank.

Now that we have stated the pros and cons of playing online gaming, it is already up to you as to which type of casino you will play.