Pokies Lounge Casino
Pokies Lounge Casino is an excellent site for Aussie players that offers a fine selection of games, pokies included, generous promotions and outstanding services. The online casino is available in multiple languages, English being its default one and supports various currencies including the Australian dollar. As an RTG-powered site, players will get to enjoy its satisfying selection of games via a Download option, Instant Play and mobile devices.
The site is completely safe to play and provides all of its online players with equal chances, delivering an all-around fair gambling experience. With the exception of a few restrictions, players from all over the globe can sign up, login and enjoy the full list of features, games and services that the site is capable of offering. Examples of countries, where players won't be able to register are United States, Russia and Great Britain.
Have Fun with RTG's Outstanding Game Collection
Realtime Gaming provides the site with its full game gallery that includes not just a spectacular slots collection but also video poker, table games and specialty titles. RTG keeps punching out new slots that are visually polished, mix subtle animation, beautiful background colors and ever more original and satisfying gameplay seamlessly. Up to date with the developer's latest work, Pokies Lounge will provide not just the newest but also the best that the developer is capable of.Members of the site will enjoy both 5-reel and 3-reel slots with highly original themes and gameplays that provide multiple opportunities for big earnings - from generously paying paytable symbols to special bonus features. Fans of video poker and table games will get to experience different variations of their favorite games including Blackjack, Baccarat, Roulette and many others. Members will also be given the opportunity to profit from various progressive jackpot prizes attached to specific games.
Take Advantage of Rewarding Promotions
Players who just start off on the site will receive a warm welcome through beneficial welcome bonus offers. From then on, they will be able to bank on various promotions that will be rewarding regular members on a weekly basis. Players will get to profit from different bonuses, which will be connected to specific game types, some of which will require casino bonus codes and others won't.Certain promotions will need a deposit in order to be activated and others will be free to use. Players will need to pay close attention to the wagering and depositing requirements of each promotions as well as the time period, in which they are active. Members will also likely be able to profit from a Loyalty Program, which will give them the chance to progress through various account levels, which will be upgrading the permanently paying bonuses on the site and will be providing much needed financial support that will keep every player's account and willpower alive and well.