Ontario To Launch Online Casino

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Canadian gamblers have enjoyed online gambling opportunities for many years, but the province of Ontario has finally given their approval to an online casino run by Ontario Lottery And Gaming Corporation. This won't be the first provincially government to run a casino, British Columbia on the west coast of the country already has one in operation that has been highly successful. The provinces in Canada that are likely to follow suit include the Atlantic provinces of Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia as well as Newfoundland and Labrador. Canada currently has both government and privately run casinos in many provinces along with large lottery corporations that generate revenue. The provinces are expanding into online gaming to help keep revenues in the country instead of having the funds leave the country to international gambling casinos. As with the provincially run lotteries through the Ontario Alcohol And Gaming Commission, emphasis will be placed on responsible gambling practices. Paul Godfrey, Chairman of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, reports that the casino will emphasis player privacy protection and security as well as responsible gaming. The new casino developers are looking at successful international online casinos such as All Slots Casino and Jackpot Capital Casino among others for the best games and online casino experiences. Although the games to be offered haven't been released gamblers can be assured that their favorite Bonus Slot Machines will be available along with traditional casino card games.